শনিবার, ১৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২২

Capitalism builds its nest in the brains of the poor

Capitalism builds its nest

in the brains of the poor

- Abul Hossain Khokon

The truth of the title is now prevalent in the underdeveloped or poor countries of the world. A man who is desperate to bring salt to Bangladesh also thinks of benefiting himself by deceiving another person. Because the mentality of looting has taken place in his brain. When the state, society and overall management nurture this mentality, create madness and play no role in the hindrance in this regard-- Then everything rots, everything sinks into the sea of ​​decay. That's what happened here. And this is the effective form of capitalist management. Here lies the success of imperialism.

What exactly is capitalism? Does it simply raise a class higher in wealth through exploitation? No, it's not. Because, in order to sustain capitalism, its main character has to be practiced at all levels. That character is to be able to establish such a mind-set or thought-consciousness or desire-Which is desperate to cheat, abuse, deceive, coerce another (whoever he may be) for personal gain. Apart from this, all necessary techniques are applied. There is no kindness in this mentality, there is no humanity, patriotism etc. There are no pledges, commitments, or organized goals to get out of such a position. There is only the thought of cheating and enjoying, enjoying and cheating. And to be able to normalize it is the success of capitalism and its page holder imperialism.

This character today is not only among the rich, but it stands with pride from top to bottom. That is why today it is not enough to blame only the rich class or their exploitation, rule, plunder. This fault is now from house to house, from brain to brain, from person to person. Because everyone has understood that there is no benefit from being honest, from being good, from people like people.

Animalism is now the only way to survive. Let's not rise to the rich class in the fight for survival, better to survive than to perish! And if you can live, luck can take you to the top! At least you won't die without eating or falling. This idea is today's reality.

If you notice, you will see that more than 90% of the people of our country believe in the Muslim religion. More than 90% of these people are apparently ready to sacrifice their lives in the name of religion. But if they really believe in religion, consider religion as the best - then in this Muslim country, bribery, corruption, injustice, tyranny, irregularity, adultery, food adulteration, profiting by increasing the price of everyday goods at one jump, deceiving people, He did not do bad things including harming people. There was no question of committing such a sin. This country, this society was supposed to become a paradise. But where? It did not happen! So what is Muslim? What is religious? What is a good person?

Unfortunately, the injustices are now being done by us very common people on a large scale. It's not just the rich, but the poor or the very poor as a whole. Arguing that we are exploited, deprived, poor, poor. In fact, capitalism-imperialism has infused the character of capitalism-imperialism into the sub-atoms of our bodies, starting from our brains through the foundation of these lame arguments and beliefs. Unknowingly, the great enemy has captured us. As a result we have become its followers or slaves.

But the question is, can we really benefit by being loyal or slaves? Or can I ever? No, We can't. Rather, from under this mass, we will only keep the enemy on the neck. I will give them a chance to live long. Because this is what accounting, social science, and history say.

We can never rise above leaving our destitute and destroyed side on all fours. In this case, there is only one way, that is to to unite. Must stand together.

It should be remembered that I cannot return my fortune by hypocrisy in the name of religion, by jumping into the sea of ​​greed, by turning myself into an animal instead of a human being. Rather, those who control fate will continue to flourish. All we have to do is destroy and destroy. So today we have to think - we want to destroy? not to live?.

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